Why Strength Training is Essential for Weight Loss

Walk in to a gym on any given day, and I promise you will see at least one poor soul trudging along on some form of cardio equipment in a dire attempt to lose weight. That’s how it works, right? Do cardio, lose weight. Right?


…and wrong.

Why Athletes Need Mobility Training

As an athlete, I have trudged my way through many, many injuries: finger injuries, sprained ankles, broken bones, you name it… But, the injuries that were most common, and sadly the most preventable, were those due to my lack of mobility and flexibility: injuries such as hyperextensions, back issues, hip pain, and even minor muscle tweaks…All of these were due to my lack of mobility, not my lack of strength.

RUFA 12-hour 2017

RUFA 12-hour 2017

I either have the worst friends or the best, but late one night fellow White Pine athlete Jennilyn was texting me about a timed trail running event that amounts to summits of Mt Grandeur on a fairly steep and snow covered trail just outside of Salt Lake City. 15 minutes later, I signed up to run repeats for 12 hours on the 6 mile out and back with 2600 ft of gain… in the winter… in the Wasatch.

Red Cliffs Run

Red Cliffs Run

I live less than an hour from Zion National Park, and although that place is amazing, I also have trails right outside my door. Seriously, in less than a mile on pavement, I can be on a beautiful network of dirt trails that seem to never end. Guess the secret is out now.